The Office of International Affairs provides IUCA students, faculty, and staff with information on scholarships and grant programs for study abroad, and seeks partner universities to create exchange programs for students, faculty, and administrative staff.
Currently, IUCA already has partner universities in the United States, Germany, Norway, Lithuania, Russia, Kazakhstan, and China. As part of the student exchange programs between our universities, IUCA students have a real opportunity to spend 1-2 semesters at partner universities or to participate in summer schools.
Every year the best IUCA students get this opportunity, and the international office coordinates this work, helping the traveling students get the information they need to process documents at the partner university.
In addition, IUCA's Office of International Affairs assists international students and faculty with visas, temporary alien registration, work permits, and housing searches; and coordinates international events and programs at the university.
IUCA collaborates with the following universities:
Rockford University, USA
University of North Park, USA
NLA University College, Norway
Goethe University, Germany
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mikolas Romeris University, Lithuania
Cyril and Methodius University in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Suleyman Demirel University, Kazakhstan
Eurasian Technological University, Kazakhstan
Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia
Azusa Pacific University (APU), USA