International conference "Regional aspects of green economy: realities and prospects".
June 7, 2022 at the Issyk-Kul State University named after K.Tynystanov the 1st International Conference "Regional aspects of green economy: realities and prospects" under the project ERASMUS+ "Strengthening the green economy in 3 Asian countries: India, Kyrgyzstan and Nepal" (EGEA) started ERASMUS+ program funded by the European Union. Partners from Germany, Latvia, Poland, Cyprus, India, Nepal and Kyrgyz partners of M.Ryskulbekov Kemerovo Economic University and International University of Central Asia took part in the conference.
Representatives of Europe, India, Nepal and Kyrgyzstan spoke in the plenary session. The sectional work was conducted in 4 directions:
Section 1. "Socio-economic aspects of green economy for sustainable development of regions", in the GreenLab opened within the framework of EGEA project;
Section 2. "Natural, technical and applied sciences in the development of green economy", at the digital skills center #DigiKonush;
Section 3. "The Role of the Education System in the Development of a Green Economy" at the Turkish Language Center;
Section 4. "Development of Green Tourism and Hospitality in Mountain Regions" at the Turkish Language Center.
Lecturers of the International University in Central Asia participated.Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Aigul Akhmatovna Abdukarimova in her report "Green Technology in Smart Cities" the author investigated the role of sustainability as a basic attribute of smart cities, which development is based on green technology, information and computer technology and local communities. A special role in the formation of a smart city the main possible "green" technology as an attribute of the "green" economy and the smart city is given. Based on the research on the problems of the smart city the basic principles of the concept of smart cities are presented. Senior Lecturer Angela Gennadyevna Islamova in her report "Ways to develop rural tourism: folk craftsmanship of local communities in Kyrgyzstan" analyzed the factors affecting and hindering the promotion of handicraft products of rural entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan.
Mechanisms to support the promotion of rural tourism at different levels are considered.
Senior lecturer Alymkulova Nurzat Zhanbolotovna made a report on "Current issues of environmental security under the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. In her speech, the author disclosed the concept and importance of environmental security; considered the modern environmental legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, she conducted
The analysis and scientific understanding of the state of protection of the biosphere and human society in the KR from threats arising as a result of anthropogenic and natural impacts on the environment.