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Image by Jan Böttinger



The mission of the direction “international relations” is: training modern, competitive, multilingual specialists in the field of international relations, showing high social activity and social responsibility


Program "International Relations"

Profile: Prevention of regional conflicts

About the program: The educational program "International Relations" with a profile "prevention of regional conflicts" offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of diplomacy, international politics and conflict management. Throughout the educational process, students acquire in-depth knowledge of international relations, study the theoretical foundations of conflictology and acquire practical skills in preventing and resolving international conflicts.

Program goals:

  • Training of specialists capable of analyzing and predicting international conflicts.

  • Mastering methods of preventing and resolving international conflicts.

  • Formation of international dialogue and negotiation skills.

What you will learn:

  • Analyze complex…




Suleiman Sh.
Head of "International relations' program, Senior professor
  • Office work and business documentation

Clark J.R.
PhD in Social Geography
  • Socio-political geography

Zhorobekova A.E.
Candidate of History science, a.i. associate professor
  • Introduction to International Relations

  • History and theory of international relations

  • Methods of political research

  • History of Kyrgyzstan

Esengul C.
Candidate of Politics Sciences, a.i. professor
  • Regional conflicts

  • International conflicts, military intervention, peacekeeping and gender

Zyskova E.Yu.
Candidate of geographical sciences, a.i. associate professor
  • Geography of Kyrgyzstan

Makarov A.V.
Senior professor 
  • Introduction to Political Science

  • Introduction to conflictology

  • Modern conflicts and ways to resolve them

Karypov B.K.
Senior professor
  • Религия и политика,

  • История и теория международных отношений

  • Современные развиваются отношения и мировая политика

  • Экономические и политические процессы в мире и Кыргызстане в глобальной политике

  • Основы анализа конфликта

Karypov M.K.
  • Diplomatic protocol and ceremony,

  • Current issues of modern international relations and regional conflictology,

  • International law

  • Political psychology

  • International integration and Kyrgyzstan in integration processes

  • Theory and practice of diplomacy and international negotiations

Begaliev M.M.
Senior professor
  • The World History,

  • Political systems and processes in Central Asia

  • Political sociology

  • Border and water issues in Central Asia

  • Foreign Policy of the Middle East

Abdykerimov M.O.
Senior Professor
  • History of Kyrgyzstan

  • Debate and argumentation

  • Peacebuilding and peacekeeping

Kyrgyz Republic,
Tokmok city, Shamsinskaya 2

Phone: +996 3138 60263

Phone: +996 503 500 004

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